Misplaced Hope

In Psalm 20:7, David makes a powerful statement:

"Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”

Back in David's day, if you had chariots and horses, you were a force to be reckoned with. You had power and stability on the battlefield -- and power and stability brought comfort and peace. What David is saying here is that his power and stability comes by trusting in the name of the Lord. He's not putting his hope in things that he can physically control -- he's trusting and putting his hope in God alone. David’s drawing a clear line of what he is hanging his hat on: “...but we trust in the name of the Lord.” Not in his own strength -- or even better -- what other people think strength is. His hope is in the Name of the Lord.

As I read this passage, I was reminded of how many times I think I'm putting my trust in the Lord, but it's something completely different. If I'm honest, I like to say, "my hope is in God". But in reality, it's hanging on some irons I have in the fire.

Friends, that is misplaced hope

I'm hanging my hope on something other than the Lord, who promised that his steadfast love toward me endures forever. The object of my hope isn't eternal but temporal.

Here's the problem with putting our hope in physical things: it has a shelf life.

At some point, the horses will grow old and die and the chariots will rot or become obsolete. No one knows what tomorrow will bring and all your plans may not come to pass. 

If you were like me, I had my hope in other places but God -- and those idols collapsed hard in 2020. The past two years has been a reminder that things can get flipped upside down at a moment's notice. COVID-19 claimed over 2 million people worldwide. Along with these tragic deaths, folks lost their jobs, homes, and so much more. I don't think anybody went into last year thinking that all this would happen. We had plans, expectations, hopes, and dreams that were shattered in a moment. 

Christian, I have a question for you: 

What is the object of your hope? Is it God... or is it something else?

Trust me. It's tempting to put your hope in other things but the Lord, but I implore you... don't take the bait! Don't compromise your Christian witness for a false sense of power and stability. 

We can plainly see this struggle for power and stability in our own country. Christians from both sides of the political aisle have misplaced hope. If you thought the previous administration was going to be a beacon of Christian hope for the watching world to see, you’re in for the same disappointment with the new administration. 

Stay focused on Jesus

Christian, don’t place your trust in temporal things.  Our hope must be in the Lord. 

Not in failed political parties, but in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

There's a promise in the Bible that says, “... those who look to Him are radiant and will never be put to shame” (Psalm 34). What a promise! Looking to Him brings us to a place of joy and wholeness. I don't know about you, but I could use some of that joy right about now. And here's the good news: that joy is awaiting us right now in Christ.

As a Worship Leader, I would be remiss to not leave you with a hymn to help us reset ourselves from misplaced hope. Hear these words and put your hope in Christ.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,

Look full in His wonderful face,

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace."


The Dream of God’s Heart